I hunt in Australia and New Zealand, for food, not trophies. In these countries many non-native mammals have been released into our vast wild places. There they compete with native wildlife for ecological resources, act as a vector for diseases and parasites and impact on the survival of endangered plants and animals. The impact of feral deer on native forests is well documented - click here. I don't enjoy killing in the slightest, if I can't kill cleanly with one shot I don't pull the trigger. Done this way wildlife harvesting is far more humane than commercial meat production. It's that simple. As an environmental scientist, I see wildlife management as a professional duty, an act of conservation and sustainable resource management. When we immerse ourselves in nature and become part of it, rather than above it, we come to understand the system that supports all life, including humankind. I believe in the sanctity of life and the health and environmental benefits of wild, organic, ethical and delicious food, so none is wasted. It is shared between my family and close friends. Check out the wild food page for more details.